Data Preservation on LTO

At TrueVault, we are dedicated to ensuring the security and longevity of your data on LTO cartridges for a duration exceeding 30 years. Our meticulous approach includes best storage and handling practices, with a crucial aspect: regular data re-recording.

Optimized Storage and Handling

  • Controlled Storage Conditions: We maintain an environment with consistent temperature and humidity levels to preserve your LTO cartridges.
  • Careful Handling: We handle the cartridges with utmost care to minimize the risk of physical damage.

Regular Re-recording by TrueVault

  • Data Renewal: We recommend and perform data re-recording onto new cartridges every 5 to 10 years.
  • Preventing Technological Obsolescence: This process keeps your data up to date with the latest advancements in LTO storage technology.

Expert Management and Verification

  • Regular Backups and Checks: We perform regular backups and check data integrity to prevent any loss.
  • Planned Migration: We stay informed about technological advancements and plan data migration to newer media.

Training and Awareness by TrueVault

  • Team Training: All members of our team are trained to effectively manage LTO cartridges.
  • Risk Awareness: We are constantly aware of the risks associated with improper storage or handling.

Why Re-recording is Vital at TrueVault?

  • Data Durability: The regular re-recording we perform ensures your information remains intact and readable for over 30 years.
  • Adaptation to Technological Changes: We ensure your data remains accessible and compliant with current standards.
  • Minimizing Loss Risks: By re-recording data, we reduce risks associated with cartridge wear or hardware failures.

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